Akthelia's patent protected therapeutic platform is based around novel compounds that mimic and amplify the immunomodulation of epithelial surfaces by natural metabolites of our microbiomes.

Small molecules that mimic but amplify the HDAC inhibitory effects of SCFAs
Our lead patent-protected small molecule therapeutic candidates are aroylated phenylene diamines - small molecules that mimic but enhance the natural effects of SCFAs in vivo, via HDAC inhibition and direct acetylation of STAT3.
These compounds were selected using Akthelia's proprietary high-throughput cell-based screening tool which is able to rapidly screen for potential pharmaceutical agents that affect the expression of the host defense peptide LL-37 (Nylen et al., 2014).
These compounds have a powerful immune upregulatory effect, through inducing the overexpression of several host defense peptides, including LL-37, calprotectin, human beta defensin-1, lipocalin as well as the proteins Reg1-alpha and Reg3-gamma.
Short chain fatty acids are natural immunomodulators produced by our microbiota
Short chain fatty acids (SCFAs) are natural microbial metabolites, such as acetate and butyrate, that act via epigenetic (HDACi) and other mechanisms to immunomodulate epithelial surfaces. They increase the expression of host defence peptides (HDPs), diverse small proteins from these tissues, triggering a cascade of immune upregulation that involves both direct inhibitory effects on pathogens as well as recruitment of adaptive immune responses.
Akthelia’s founders were the first to isolate and characterize the only known human host defense peptide of the cathelicidin family, LL-37, and have elucidated factors and pathways that control the expression and regulation of HDPs in in vitro cell systems, animal models and humans.
Short chain fatty acids are natural immunomodulators produced by our microbiota
Short chain fatty acids (SCFAs) are natural microbial metabolites, such as acetate and butyrate, that act via epigenetic (HDACi) and other mechanisms to immunomodulate epithelial surfaces. They increase the expression of host defence peptides (HDPs), diverse small proteins from these tissues, triggering a cascade of immune upregulation that involves both direct inhibitory effects on pathogens as well as recruitment of adaptive immune responses.
Akthelia’s founders were the first to isolate and characterize the only known human host defense peptide of the cathelicidin family, LL-37, and have elucidated factors and pathways that control the expression and regulation of HDPs in in vitro cell systems, animal models and humans.